holy ghost town

holy ghost town

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dickhearse: A Discourse on Dickhorse

Before being stranded in the black-hole that is New Mexico; I was a Dickhead (ala Deadhead), following these guys on their route across this vast network of ghost towns, America. Notably, an amazing show in Tulsa, OK; closing the night following two pop/lounge singers; needless to say, in typical ghost-town fashion, the room became vacant with the first giant crashing OM of guitar and drums, (except for those at the bar too worried with finding an alternative watering-hole; & that one guy who sat in the shadows digging the sounds tugging his chin with ecstasy.)

Dickhearse were Tallahasseeites that wrote the soundtrack for the city; cocaine on tri-delta mirrors, suicide via drinking the tap water, cops smoking meth and writing speeding tickets to pedestrians, Bobby Bowden shrines in place of homeless shelters...YHVH! I miss this great city already.

Well - For your aural pleasure; this is a recording done at WVFS(.fsu.edu) - Including the songs:
01 Humanism in itself eats itself for itself
02 Benjaminian reversal kick to the post heideggerian mega-dick
03 Mathemagical Foundations
04 Being


Sunday, June 29, 2008


New Mexico is an 'enchanted' land, (state motto), filled with time warps, black holes, and time/space points not necessarily in either time or space. We discovered this driving twenty miles out of the town; colliding with a nasty tire rim that sent our vehicle three feet in the air and bending our axle forty five degrees. Stuck in this land for an extended duration, finding shelter in a cheap historic route 66 motel. This is a project I will be releasing for free to the city of Albuquerque; thanks to the discovery of 50 jewel cases in a pizza dumpster (no pizza yet, though).

Philip G. Harris - Albuquerque University Lodge (Variations, 1-2, 4, 6)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Internet Graveyards


Dubbed the 'Tallahassee Music Scene' - an archive of xTallahasseex musicians. More headstones for the ghosts of tomorrow to gauk at. Squawwwk!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

This Year is the Membrane

This Year is the Membrane (K. Mali/aka The Ear is the Brain) of Tallahassee, locked himself in a bathroom for a few hours, perhaps after ingesting certain substances, and forced all of his roommates to take their 'business' outdoors while ghost-sounds farted up the layers from the closed door.

Like the Prodigal sun, with two loaves of hemp bread and some cauliflower, he gave me a copy of what he recorded and then subsequently left for Nepal.

titled, fingers of the full moon inside the vagina howl

Friday, February 8, 2008

Nashville/Tallahassee zzrrrppp-machines

God Willing ___
Unicorn Hard-On _______________
Leslie Keffer _______________
Darker Florida __________
The Penetralia ___________
The Viirus ________________
Capstan Drive _________________________________
Kristin Calverese ___________________
Keep Bullfighting _____________________
Drunky and the Barrel Organ Mushroom Cult _________

Sunday, January 13, 2008

OAF'd recordings part 1

Arch Trio rips out a song and a hard bop strut. Recorded at the Oaf house, same night as the collaboration below. Americana bop and squids.



Friday, January 11, 2008

Carpe Carpus Tallahassee moooons

Tallahassee is a beautiful town at night. Free of all the faceless daytime entities that bump and shirk. Tonight there were pulses of rain and friends were on the porch drinking, and I zoned out in the recording shed. Several zipcodes out of zone.

Philip Harris -- Tallahassee Sleeps
= 3am Jan 11, 08


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Collaborations SOUNDS MUSIC FUN

From a show circa Nov/Dec '07, I've a bad memory, awash in clouds. It's the recording of the tomb-stone for the night; a coming-together of Krishna (Ear is the Brain) , Bobby (Jijimuge), Jay (Cellular Terror), and Philip (Pornographic Imagination of the Dead). Something like a drunken lullaby in a bar in 618AD Palestine. Repeating notes in the nightmare landscape of 2012 on a sinking boat with four manatees playing awful violin. Drinking whiskey and eating pizza from dumpsters.


hal mcgee on the shine

Ever wanna OD
on Hal McGee
split like a tree
and leave
here's the tapegerm *cough* (that language virus that's been going around) site with a shit-ton of Hal McGee's collaborations and creations and divinations


Sunday, January 6, 2008

tampa noise fest sounds

six months or so prior, some of these sounds I stumbled upon on this website were recorded in tampa. florida soundfreaks wild mushroom dance off yer third eye fest, ie the Tampa Noise festival, the sights and sounds and beings of Darker Florida, yellow crystal star, parts and pieces of past ticples, jijimuge and lost souls and ghosts of the sort. it's over on otolathe's networked info hub, http://otolathe.com/tampanoisefest.html