holy ghost town

holy ghost town

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dickhearse: A Discourse on Dickhorse

Before being stranded in the black-hole that is New Mexico; I was a Dickhead (ala Deadhead), following these guys on their route across this vast network of ghost towns, America. Notably, an amazing show in Tulsa, OK; closing the night following two pop/lounge singers; needless to say, in typical ghost-town fashion, the room became vacant with the first giant crashing OM of guitar and drums, (except for those at the bar too worried with finding an alternative watering-hole; & that one guy who sat in the shadows digging the sounds tugging his chin with ecstasy.)

Dickhearse were Tallahasseeites that wrote the soundtrack for the city; cocaine on tri-delta mirrors, suicide via drinking the tap water, cops smoking meth and writing speeding tickets to pedestrians, Bobby Bowden shrines in place of homeless shelters...YHVH! I miss this great city already.

Well - For your aural pleasure; this is a recording done at WVFS(.fsu.edu) - Including the songs:
01 Humanism in itself eats itself for itself
02 Benjaminian reversal kick to the post heideggerian mega-dick
03 Mathemagical Foundations
04 Being
