holy ghost town

holy ghost town

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Old Timey Tallahassee

Here's a wiki with some mp3's of DVC -- Darth Vader's Church. A Tallahassee band from the late eighties that ate the flesh of babies and wore condoms made from ewok stomachs.


Friday, November 16, 2007

visual auditease

Here are two more videos I took (approximately three months prior now);

Yellow Crystal Star

Ear is the Brain

Friday, November 9, 2007

aw di teaz

Scott Rosenberg - Solo - V (2000)

"AND NOW about saxophones (and flutes and clarinets) and other pieces of wood, metal, rubber that amplify, filter, resonate, and otherwise mediate the thoughts, movements, and internal noises of the human body. The organism as perpetual compositional steam engine." - S.R., piece of liner notes -- contrabass clarinet, flute, and saxophone 000ooooooooo

O! moan.


The Better to See you with - S/T lp

comments: pdxshortbrutal


Monday, November 5, 2007

moor auditease

Lovely doses of Tallahassee --

-- jocelyn giancoli --


Here's a special release by a local Tallahassee project, 'Penis Flytrap and the Army of Candycondom Elves on Jumbo Blimp Magick Hour'.

I had this mp3 in my archive, so for lack of a cd-drive, I find means to disseminate - Penis Flytrap and the Army... is an interesting music-machine; some might say it lacks organs others might say, "Geez, I've gazed at these shoes for so long they've evolved into platypus around my feet! Ah, I have platypus feet." But who cares what 'they' say, enjoy these grooves.

Penis Flytrap and the Army of Candycondom Elves on Jumbo Blimp Magick Hour - 'Smile Lady'


I'll throw in some folk punk - On the Strings of, with two impromptu singers:

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sum Auditease

Inca Ore with Lemon Bear's Orchestra, 'Queen Anne's Lace Tape" 2006, {Tillamook Oakland Thank you Joe + Sue, Richard} I got this at some point in Portland on a long entheogenic trance through the murk and plop, coleman started making love to ono in some dmt drenched cardboard house along the Willamette. Inca Ore and Lemon Bear are beautiful musicians, experience The Birds in the Bushes for more lovin' in the amplified leaf hearts shaman dance blood scream, but nature is natural. Inca & Lemon Bear, also become-Jackie-O Motherfucker on the occasion and helped to create, 'Freaker Pipe,' jass pa lik da da me ba!

Queen Anne's Lace

Inca Ore, all the swans they follow me

jocelyn giancoli ravioli taco revolutionary talisman rustic tater
{the main photo is also the work of j.g.}


Friday, November 2, 2007

Philip G. Harris

Here's a cd release by Philip Harris; Improvisations Inspired by the Tallahassee Summertime: For all the lovely ghosts -- 'I pluck the bulby green rhizomes from blatant patches of green picking grass, falling love with all the shadows of my bleeding ears. I'm drifiting off. I'm a ghost. In a world of ghosts. Inanimate. Destroyed to the scenery.'

Tracks of Collage, drone, lonely detuned guitars at night. Recorded at the now defunct 'THE CAMP' .

This is a limited-run 40CDR release.

Philip Harris -- Improvisations Inspired by the Tallahassee Summertime

P. Harris

Chum Much WVFS

Here's an archived performance by Chum Much from WVFS 89.7 Tallahassee. They have artistically evolved beautifully since this recording, (referencing a recent performance that utilized a humungous xylophone -- I have footage of this I may post.) So think of this as a Chum Much tasting.

Chum Much WVFS fm 10-24-05

Dead Legs

Dead Legs is southern freak music; pine trees, trainyards, uptight pigs, the macrocosm of hill-country. An appalachian clorox nightmare. The CD 'remnants' is sacred electrified campfire ghost songs.

Dead Legs - Remnants

Dead Legs

Yellow Crystal Star

Here's an older release by Yellow Crystal Star, circa 2005. It is packaged in a page from a journal wrapped in brown paper. I think the first track 'the opening' is the only live take, probably recorded at Pocket Sandwich. Track 3, 'Godsilence of Destruction', is beautiful magick music.

ycs.rar - 46.91MB

I'll throw some more YCS online eventually.

Yellow Crystal Star Video

The last appearance of Yellow Crystal Star in Tallahassee, (though spotted afterwards in a few pornographic imaginations,) YCS is soundtrack music to yr third-eye. YCS is now a resident of the Northwest.

yellow crystal star