holy ghost town

holy ghost town

Monday, November 5, 2007

moor auditease

Lovely doses of Tallahassee --

-- jocelyn giancoli --


Here's a special release by a local Tallahassee project, 'Penis Flytrap and the Army of Candycondom Elves on Jumbo Blimp Magick Hour'.

I had this mp3 in my archive, so for lack of a cd-drive, I find means to disseminate - Penis Flytrap and the Army... is an interesting music-machine; some might say it lacks organs others might say, "Geez, I've gazed at these shoes for so long they've evolved into platypus around my feet! Ah, I have platypus feet." But who cares what 'they' say, enjoy these grooves.

Penis Flytrap and the Army of Candycondom Elves on Jumbo Blimp Magick Hour - 'Smile Lady'


I'll throw in some folk punk - On the Strings of, with two impromptu singers:

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